Since his first days in farming, Farmer Dave has been exploring methods of better farming. Sometimes these methods may be new, sometimes they may be ancient ways that need only be rediscovered, or old methods using modern equipment. Farmer Dave sees his role as feeding his community in the best way possible. He understands that his customers are placing their trust in him and his ability to provide a healthy product. That healthy product need not only be healthy for those eating it, but also healthy for those working in the fields, for the soil itself, and for the global environment.
About 95% of Farmer Dave’s vegetables are grown without synthetic sprays. For some crops, such as sweet corn, this is difficult. For this reason we are certified IPM (Integrated Pest Management). This requires following the organic principles of green manures, crop rotation, protection of beneficial insects, bio-controls, weekly scouting of the fields for pests, and well-timed application of only the safest pesticides when needed.
Mirroring his work overseas, Farmer Dave has worked closely with the University of Massachusetts Vegetable Team to trial different organic methods that will then be taught to other sustainable farmers. He has done much work on the efficacy of releasing beneficial insects into his early corn fields to reduce the incidence of the European corn borer larvae in the sweet corn ears. He has trialed and accepted numerous well-timed organic sprays on crops as replacements to synthetic sprays.
For many crops, he has developed growing systems that require no organic or synthetic sprays. He has installed expensive drip irrigation systems to not only reduce the water needs and provide a strong plant, but also to keep irrigation water off the foliage of the crops to reduce the growth of diseases and pests. His growing methods are guided by the National Organic Standards, and by his goal of achieving a sustainable system. Some of his fields could become certified organic. Yet, because he has a direct relationship with the majority of his customers, he finds it unnecessary to apply for, or pay the expense of federal organic certification.
We do not grow any GMOs (genetically modified organisms).